The Insurance Sector is unique. Regulation is inimitable. Reporting requirements are a challenge. We help insurance and reinsurance companies with accounting treatments, regulatory filing requirements to meet regulatory reporting, Generally Accepted Accounting Practices (GAAP) to meet Governance requirements and support with financial planning software and services.
The ORYX solution delivers financial plans – fast. Introduce modifications to your numbers to generate rapid scenario planning.
The Reinsurance module supports the entry of all parameters and assumptions such as Quota, Share, Excess of loss, and FAC contracts in a user-friendly way.
The ORYX solution combined with our services have been used in the insurance sector since its inception. Accountagility supports insurance and re-insurance companies with the many reports (both public and privately reported), that they are required to present on their business through our range of software and services.
Have greater visibility and reporting and effective Expense Allocations with our rules-based allocation model.
We help companies meet their regulatory reporting obligations. ORYX software automates all your Lloyds of London regulatory reporting needs, with our software facilitating instant calculation, reporting and XBRL files. Examples of Regulatory reporting include:
ORYX provides Bordereau Reporting as standard. Be assured that you can provide timely and correct information to your re-insurer, whether it is for assets covered or claims paid. The amount of data included in your Bordereau reports may vary, whatever your requirement, our Reporting module has your Bordereau needs covered.
ORYX supports the authoritative accounting principles and accepted practices for accounting and reporting transactions and activities.
ORYX supports operating insurance companies to produce reports including quarterly statements, disclosures and schedules with NAIC.
The Solvency II directive requires insurance companies to review their reporting solutions and processes. The three pillars of Solvency II firmly sets out the requirements - the ORYX Solvency II Reporting software addresses the requirements outlined in all 3 pillars.
Accountagility’s IFRS 17 solution supports the IFRS 17 standard for insurance contracts, ensuring consistency, transparency and compatibility. This includes our IFRS journal solution to automate your journal postings.